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Mercury 6HK Demo

Build year:  2024

Knebel, Denmark

Boatengine for sale

1,060 EUR

(7,900 DKK)

  • Marinecenter Østjylland
  • Vestre Molsvej 35
  • 8420 Knebel
  • Denmark
  • +45 29273571
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Normal price 8990 DKK Mercury's 6 hp 4-stroke engines come standard with a built-in fuel tank, an external fuel tap, and the option to connect an external fuel tank. A built-in fuel tank means you don't need to connect an extra tank that takes up space, but for those who sail longer distances, an external tank can be connected in seconds. Multiple trim positions improve sailing characteristics and allow for sailing in shallow water. The automatic decompression system releases cylinder pressure to reduce the pulling force required to start the engine. We are happy to help install your new engine and there is the possibility that we can take your old engine as a trade-in - call and inquire or come by. We have several engines in stock and are ready to assist.


Materiale / unit

Hull type




Motor & technic


Engine place
