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Brenderup AT2500HBTB autotransporter

Build year:  2024

Sunds, Denmark

Boattrailer for sale

6,010 EUR

(44,990 DKK)

  • Herning Trailer- & Bådcenter
  • Navervej 14
  • 7451 Sunds
  • Denmark
  • +45 97142211
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Transport your car in a comfortable, reliable, and safe way. The car transporter has a tipping function with a high-pressure gas shock absorber and is suitable for, for example, car workshops or car enthusiasts. The combination of tipping and ramp (included as standard) provides a low loading angle when loading your car. The wide ramps on the base plate and the low loading angle make it possible to load both large and small vehicles. Flexible selection of accessories to equip the ATHB to meet your needs. High-built trailer with tipping - improved driving characteristics as the trailer has the same width as the car! The trailer is also available with a total weight of 2000 and 3000 kg. Excl. delivery costs of DKK 800,- The trailer is not in stock!

Specifications Manufacturer

Materiale / unit

Hull type






Motor & technic


