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Rhea 730 Timonier - NEW

Build year:  2019

Frankrig, Denmark

Motor boat for sale

96,570 EUR

96,566 EUR

(719,000 DKK)

  • New Shipshape A/S
  • Rungsted Havn 1
  • DK 2960 Rungsted Kyst
  • Denmark
  • +45 45868500
Quick Contact, log in Send email
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The seller of Rhea 730 Timonier - NEW, build year 2019 is New ShipShape A/S. For further info, as description, boat equipment list or photos for Motor boat Rhea 730 Timonier - NEW - please contact New ShipShape A/S via Send email or use the link Sellers website above. This will link you to the detailed advert at New ShipShape A/S website. Please notice, New ShipShape A/S can have more detailed description of the Rhea 730 Timonier - NEW in German, Swedish, Danish or Dutch. These languages are chosen to the right of the Insert advert button. If you want to see the sellers other adverts on scanboat.com – then use the button Sellers boats, above.


Materiale / unit

Hull type




Motor & technic


