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Nordkapp Avant 705

Build year:  2024

Orust Marin Center, Sweden

Motorboat for sale

77,850 EUR

(886,800 SEK)

  • Orust Marin Center AB
  • Rödbergsvägen 2
  • 47334 Henån
  • Sweden
  • +4630431020
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Avant 705 - Here you get everything! With the bow of a console boat and the comfort of a day cruiser, the Avant 705 proves that you really can have it all. Its refined driving characteristics combined with onboard amenities create a relaxing atmosphere. With ample storage, it is perfect for water sports, fishing, and relaxing day trips with friends and family. The boat has a hull that encourages active driving and exudes driving pleasure. Every aspect is carefully designed to create an exhilarating sense of control and precision.
Standard equipment: 12V outlet Stern anchor locker Bow anchor locker Bathing ladder Fire extinguisher Dual battery system Cushions Mooring cleats Canopy Canopy garage Compass Navigation lights LED switches Manual bilge pump Stainless steel rails Securmark for boat and engine Sundeck, aft Seat covers Portable toilet Waterski pole Windshield wiper Bow eye ADD ORUST EDITION PACKAGE: Battery Bow thruster Bottom paint Cockpit table Prepared for windlass Mooring cleats Garmin 1223 XSV Garmin internal transducer Harbor cover Cooler box Engine lock S-deck Nautical charts GPS Sunbed Trim tabs with autotrim Price example with Mercury 225hp Boat + Engine + Orust Edition Package price SEK 1,071,764:- Don't miss out - BUY EXHIBITION BOAT model year -23 Boat + Mercury 225hp (-24) + Orust Edition PACKAGE PRICE: SEK 965,900:-

Specifications Manufacturer

Materiale / unit

Hull type








Motor & technic


Mercury 200 XL DS

Engine place


