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Valory V480

Build year:  2022


Motorboat for sale

12,080 EUR

(89,900 DKK)

  • Dansk Sejl OG Motor
  • Brøndby Havnevej 19
  • 2650 Hvidovre
  • Denmark
  • +45 77340828
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ABSOLUTELY THE CHEAPEST TENDER ON THE MARKET CAN BE BOUGHT RIGHT HERE. We are clearing out our warehouse to make room for other new boats. Therefore, buy this one at a really good price. Well-sailing dinghy with a Dutch look, equipped with ropes and good seating - perfect for a trip around the canals of Copenhagen or a trip on one of the Danish lakes. It is traditionally built with an outboard motor on the stern, which provides good maneuverability and the best stability and speed. It can accommodate 6 people. It sails nicely even when the boat is filled with guests and offers plenty of possibilities. "What you see is what you get."


Materiale / unit

Hull type


Motor & technic


