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Floating Dock

Build year:  2020

Contact De Valk Hindeloopen, Th...

Motorboat for sale

250,000 EUR

ex. EU Vat.
  • De Valk Hindeloopen
  • Oosterstrand 1
  • NL 8713 JS Hindeloopen
  • The Netherlands
  • +31 514 52 40 00
Quick Contact, log in Send email
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The Floating dock is a unique concept originated from the need to store and haul out vessels in remote areas. She can also be used in areas where a fixed Jetty or dockside moorin is not possible or in waters with strong currents. The Floating dock can be towed to any location and then form a secure mooring for any yacht that fits her size. Her 4 Spud poles anchor her secure to the bottom and ensure she will not move. The Floating dock can also be equiped with a light weight roof construction to form an indoor water garage for your yacht. The Floating dock has a lifting capacety of 60 tons.Hans Visser at De Valk Hindeloopen is your go-to contact for any questions. Feel free to give us a call.We provide only a selection of key information on this platform. For complete details, please visit our website, where you'll find: - full yacht specifications, with over 15 details - 55 more pictures - 30 pages downloadable brochure With offices across Europe and 792 other yachts for sale we are never away!


Materiale / unit

Hull type








Motor & technic


No Engine

