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Nimbus W11

Build year:  2025

Silkeborg, Denmark

Motorboat for sale

603,900 EUR

(4,495,000 DKK)

  • Siim Båd og Motor A/S
  • Knudlundvej 8-10
  • 8653 Them, Silkeborg
  • Denmark
  • +45 86101500
Quick Contact, log in Send email
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The seller of Nimbus W11, build year 2025 is Siim Båd og Motor A/S. Nimbus Boats is a boat manufacturer based in Sweden that produces a variety of motorboats and cruisers. The company was founded in 1948 and is well-known for building high-quality, well-designed boats that are built to last. They offer a range of models, including express cruisers, coupés, and flybridge yachts, catering to different needs and budgets. Some of their most popular models include the Nimbus 305, Nimbus 365, and Nimbus 405. They focus on building boats with a contemporary design and innovative features, such as their patented "Nimbus deck", which allows for easy movement around the boat. Their brands includes besides the Nimbus Boats also Paragon Yachts and Alukin. Nimbus boats are known for their high quality, durability and seaworthiness. For further info, as description, boat equipment list or photos for Motorboat Nimbus W11 - please contact Siim Båd og Motor A/S via Send email or use the link Sellers website above. This will link you to the detailed advert at Siim Båd og Motor A/S website. Please notice, Siim Båd og Motor A/S can have more detailed description of the Nimbus W11 in German, Swedish, Danish or Dutch. These languages are chosen to the right of the Insert advert button. If you want to see the sellers other adverts on scanboat.com – then use the button Sellers boats, above.


Materiale / unit

Hull type










Motor & technic


2 x Mercury Verado V8-300 Xxl

Total power


